Tuesday, 18 August 2015

If I could have anything...

This is going to be one of those 'no picture, chatty' posts... And to be honest, I'm okay with that. Sometimes it's good to break out of your comfort zones and try something new, even in a small way. For example, I don't usually write this kind of thing- so my comfort zone would be: crafts, fashion and food. I challenge every one of you dinocorns to try something out of your comfort zone (that weirdly coloured food, your infamous strapless bra or exercising in a public place) and then give it a rating of between 1 and 5 stars, would you do it again? Go on, you might surprise yourself!

As the title suggests I decided to explore what I would do if I could have anything... ANYTHING. This post could be useful if I were to bump into a magical genie or the likes. It will be interesting to see how much you can tell about a person from their choices. I will try and be as honest as I can with my answers so apologies if any sound selfish or unrealistic, or if you disagree with any of my answers. Here goes- 10 things I would choose if I could have ANYTHING:

1) For everyone to love themselves, this has become such a hot topic in today's society. Eating disorders and self hatred have become all too common place. People try to point fingers at who to blame (the media ect.) but if everyone loved themselves and were happy in their own bodies, instead of wishing they had someone else's, the world would become 100 times more wonderful.

2) Continuing with the theme of love and making the world more wonderful, I'd want everyone to love each other (agape love). This would put an end to all conflicts and oppression. School bullies would disappear overnight (literally). I think that wishing for everyone to love each other is so much more important than wishing for world peace. Because world peace simply implies that no one is fighting each other, but people could still be passively aggressive and live a life filled with hate. Even better than wishing for everyone to love each other is to act on it, we don't need a miracle to occur- imagine one person removing all of the hate from their thoughts and actions, now imagine lots of 'one person(s)' doing the same, if you remove the hate from your life, you will make a difference.

3) I would wish for everyone to have access to their human rights. This is an important one, the human rights act is there, yet still so many people do not have access to their rights. It is basically implying that everyone should have these things, but some people deserve them more than others... This is wrong! If I could have anything, one of my 'anythings' would definitely be to make human rights a reality- for EVERYONE!

4) I would like everyone to get paid at least the living wage. What is the point of having a minimum wage, if you cannot have any sort of life on it? You may be able to stay alive- but not truly live. If everyone was paid the living wage (or above), people would be less stressed and relieved from many financial worries. Imagine the smile on a parent's face, knowing that for the first time they can take their child on a special day out to the cinema or fair ground.

5) In the UK, we are privileged in that we have an NHS, but the majority of countries do not have access to this service that we take for granted. We have the choice of whether we want to go private, most places do not. If they did, people would not gamble on their health. People wouldn't have to choose between medicine and food.

6) I would remove student fees, why should people have to pay to have an education? Education should be free, no matter what stage or age.

7) I would give a home to every homeless person, or person that needs it. Some people call homeless people lazy, given the choice, no one would live on the streets. The streets are dirty and dangerous. In the winter when the roads are all iced up and you can see your own breath, where would you sooner be? These people are desperate and need help to get back on their feet, how can they go for a job interview if the only clothes they own are what they are wearing? Or if they are struggling just to find a scrap to eat, let alone transportation? I'm not saying that the tenants should be permanent or that the accommodation should be mansions, people should be given a safe place to stay for as long as they need it (homeless shelter's have waiting lists).

8) Obviously I would also wish a few this for myself, I would want a pet that could grow old with me. Perhaps a chocolate Labrador that ages the same as a human does. It would be nice to know that even when I feel most alone, there's someone who depends on me and is always there to listen, even if they can't talk back.

9) I would want my own laptop, it would make blogging a lot easier!

10) A golden locket to store treasured pictures of my loved ones, both still with me and passed on, it would be nice to have a physical reminder that they are always with me.

That's the end of my list! I feel like I learned a lot about myself by writting this. What would be in your list?
xo~ Daisycorn

Guest writing for another blog and super cute DIY sign

This blog post was originally written by me for a blog called Sophiesuite (https://sophiesuite.wordpress.com/), but I decided to give you guys a special preview before anyone else! It would be brilliant if all you crazy dinocorns out there would check her out!!

My good friend, Sophie - who I'm 95% sure is secretly my sister- invited me to guest write a page of her blog for her! Those of you avid bloggers out there will know that this is an enormous responsibility, imagine someone trusting you to read their diary or guard their secret stash of chocolate- that big! How could I turn down such an opportunity? 

The only brief I was given was to make my entry crafty, so after some brainstorming, I came up with the perfect DIY! This post will show you how I went about creating this super cute and sparkly sign. This project was really inexpensive and easy to do, it could be displayed on the back of your bedroom door or you could even attach a piece of dowel/a pencil to the back of it and place it in a vase. The possibilities are only limited by how far your imagination is willing to stretch!

To make your own, you'll need:

• A small, plain sign (I got mine off of amazon)
• Some PVA glue, you won't need much
• A pencil and black marker
• Some sparkly bits (eg. Glitter, sequins or gems)

1) Remove all of the labels and stickers from your sign.

2) Now draw or write out the outline of what you want on your sign- I chose the words "official unicorn".

3) I learnt that it's best to fill the words or design in with your marker at this point, as it is hard to apply marker on top of glue.

4) Spread glue on to one area of the sign at a time, it is much easier to apply glue to the sign and not to the back of each individual gem.

5) Place your gems (or other sparkly things) around the edge of your design and leave it to dry.

That's it! It really is as easy as that! If you try this DIY for yourself, be sure to send me a picture on Instagram (@unicornasauruss) I would love to see what you come up with, or you could share your master piece with Sophie on her tumblr (sophiesuite)

Happy crafting! 
xo~ Daisycorn

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Upgrade Your Jenga!

What's better than a good ol' game of Jenga with the besties? 
An absolutely fabulous game of Jenga, that's what!! 

Recently me and a good friend of mine got together for a jolly good afternoon crafting. We decided to decorate Jenga pieces... In turn, we ended up redesigning the whole concept of Jenga. 

Every time a block is removed, the person reads out the writing on the block and then answers the question or does the dare presented to them. Sounds fun right? Here's how you too can recreate this game and spice up your Saturday evenings.

1) first we cut up some plain white sticky labels and stuck one to the slim side of each block.

2) after that, we painted the ends of the blocks in three colours: pink, purple and blue.

3) We then wrote a either a dare or a truth on each sticker.
It was time to play...

I hope you enjoy playing your upgraded Jenga, be sure to send us a picture on Instagram @unicornasauruss ( 
https://instagram.com/unicornasauruss/ )

Thanks for stopping by our blog!
xo~ daisycorn 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Summer's here!!! (Part 2)

Welcome back!
If you've landed here without reading part one, stop right now and check it out! (http://unicornasaurus.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/summer-here-part-1.html) I'm just going to hop right in and share some more of my summer fashion staples!

3| The jelly shoe.
   Are you having flashbacks to your early childhood? Just seeing the words "jelly" and "shoe" in the same sentence, causes me to subcontiously smell rubber. I purchased my first 'grown-up' pair of jelly shoes last summer and I've never looked back. Who says you can't wear socks and sandals? These shoes look seriously cute with a pair of girly frilly socks!

Nina jelly sandals by Juju available at topshop- £26.00 (http://www.topshop.com/en/tsuk/product/nina-jelly-sandals-by-juju-4352471)

4| Playsuits/jumpsuits
   These are great for: traveling, beachwear, weekends and they can even be dressed up as evening wear. I love them as you don't have to worry about finding an outfit to wear, because it's effectively a whole outfit in one item.

Pinstripe Jumpsuit from Dorothy Perkins- £38.00 (http://www.dorothyperkins.com/en/dpuk/product/pinstripe-jumpsuit-4355775)

And that rounds up my summer fashion essentials to update your wardrobe- be sure to let us know which clothes will be taking centre stage in your wardrobe!


Monday, 1 June 2015

Summer drinks for teenagers

Ahhhh to be a teenager... Too young for the responsibilities of adulthood, yet too old for the freedom of childhood. But just because you can't legally neck a cocktail or other alcoholic summer staple, doesn't mean your taste buds will miss out! Show off these tasty concoctions to your friends and family and don't forget to send us a picture via instagram (@unicornasaususs https://instagram.com/unicornasauruss/)

1| Many A Berry (smoothie)
  I like to add oats to this one and enjoy it as a: healthy, refreshing and quick breakfast on a hot summer morning. 
                 A generous dollop of yoghurt - natural, soy or Greek work well
                 Half a cup of strawberries- about a handful
                 A cup of raspberries
                 A sprinkling of blueberries- not too many as these can be gritty when blended
                 1/4 cup of blackberries- if you want to go all out ;-)
                 A splash of milk- this is for a more liquid consistency

Blend the smoothie for one minute- stopping and shaking half way. The smoothie is best when served fresh but can be kept in the fridge overnight or frozen into ice lollies.

2| Green Juice
  There are many variations on this classic, here's how I do mine:
                 A cup of kale
                 Half a cucumber, chopped
                 A handful of spinach
                 Half a small carrot
                 A squeeze of lemon juice
                 Two small tomatoes
Blend all the ingredients apart from the water. After that, pass it through a sieve and mix in the water. Enjoy with a few ice cubes.

3| Breakfast In A Bottle (smoothie)
   Great for when you're running late- these could even be made the night before.
                 Half a cup of porridge oats
                 A table spoon of apple sauce
                 A chopped apple
                 A splash of milk
                 A few slices of apricot- dried or fresh
Just whizz it up and it's good to go!

4| Ye Olde Lemonade
   This is a summer essential! What more needs to be said?
                 Two lemons
                 650ml water
                 85g sugar
                 A few mint leaves
                 A handful of ice
Chop the lemons. Then, along with the sugar and half of the water, whizz in a food processor. Push the mixture through a sieve into a jug, before applying: the remainder of the water, ice and mint leaves. Best fresh but can be frozen as lollies, it looks super appetising when served in jars with colourful straws.

I hope you enjoy these delicious drinks and have an amazing summer!

Summer's here!!! (Part 1)

Hiya you lovely lot! 
It's 01|06|15... THAT MEANS THAT IT'S OFFICIALLY SUMMER!! (EEEEEK) I feel like ever since we got over the winter magic, the majority of us have been waiting for this moment. In terms of weather, we're not really feeling the heat right now in Britain- but that's set to change over the upcoming weeks, so keep your ears peeled next time you're listening to your local radio station. Many schools across the globe are breaking up this month; some have already! Unfortunately I don't get let loose on the holidays until mid July, but going to a non-uniformed school, I will still be upgrading my wardrobe. Here are my summer wardrobe essentials:

1| The Midi Skirt.
   These are beautiful feminine staples for any wardrobe- they can be worn casually with a T-shirt/blouse or dressed up when combined with statement jewellery, heels and a clutch. My current favourites are :

the Floral Print  Pleated Skirt from Zara*- £39.99 (http://www.zara.com/uk/en/woman/skirts/view-all/floral-print-pleated-skirt-c719016p2575517.html), 

and the Knee Length Skirt from H&M- £12.99 (http://www.hm.com/gb/product/84400?article=84400-B)
*I have found that sizing at Zara runs quite small so would suggest buying a size or two up.

2| The Summer Dress.
   Don't be put off by the name, these can be layered (cardigans, tights, jumpers ect.) to make them sutible for all seasons! Why not be a bit daring and go for dresses with unusual straps or bold prints?
Black Lattice Neck Skater Dress from newlook- now £8.00 (http://www.newlook.com/shop/womens/dresses/black-lattice-neck-skater-dress-_335910401)
The Ayarisa Contrast Bind & Zip Detail Dress from stylistpick- £19 (https://www.stylistpick.com/ayarisa/dresses/contrast-bind-and-zip-detail-dress-34485)
Seasalt Rosina Dress, Manderley Stripe Multi from John Lewis- £65.00 (http://www.johnlewis.com/seasalt-rosina-dress-manderley-stripe-multi/p2016167)

That's all for now but watch out for part two!
xo~ Daisycorn

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Cute Hairstyles For School/Sports/Dance

Hiya beautiful people!!
As you have more than likely grasped by the title, this post will centre around super easy. versatile, hair styles- that will also take minimum effort, yet still look really cute.

   If you don't know what one of these is, it's a bit like a snap-bracelet, but for your hair! You can get so many effortless looks from this one nifty devise! I personally find these so much: easier, quicker and neater to use than a bun donut or going free-hand. Not only can you create beautiful, long-lasting buns- but also other unique styles, like a hair piece that looks like a pretzel... THATS RIGHT A PRETZEL! You can probably tell that I love me a Hairagami (in-fact, I own five!). 

Method for a Hairagami bun
  1) Put your hair into a ponytail where you want your bun to be.
  2) Place the Hairagami at the end on your ponytail.
  3) Roll the Hairagami up the ponytail until you reach the bobble.
  4) Now slowly snap the Hairagami, so that you are in control of what your bun looks like.
  5) (Optional) Decorate your bun with flowers or ribbon to add a girly touch.

You can purchase these from Claire's for £9, personally I think that that's expensive for what it is- which is why I ordered mine from Amazon for under half the price!

2| Dutch Plaits!
   There are many variations of Dutch plaits: Dutch crown, singular Dutch plait ect. My personal favourite is just simple, Dutch pigtail plaits. They are brilliant for keeping your hair out of your face, for dance it's a good idea to make them into a pair of low buns because the plaits can hit you in the face when you pirouette.

Method for Dutch pigtail plaits
  1) Part your hair in the centre of your head.
  2) Secure the hair on one side of your parting using a bobble or crocodile/butterfly clip.
  3) Grab three sections at the front of your hair.
  4) Begin to plait your hair, instead of moving the outside pieces over the middle piece, move the middle piece over the outside pieces.
  5) Add more pieces gradually- much like a French plait.
  6) Once all of your hair, from that side, has been added- continue to plait your hair to the end and secure with a bobble or elastic.
  7) Repeat on the other side of your head.

The plaits look amazing with bobbles that contrast the colour of your hair- it just brings something extra to the look!

3| Crown Twist Plait!
   I first learnt about this look on YouTube ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wUthYQXES8 ). When I tried it, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy and pretty it turned out; I received many compliments from friends and family, here's how you can recreate it yourself.

Method for Crown twist plait
  1) Part your hair in the centre.
  2) Grab a piece of hair by your left ear.
  3) Start to rope plait it going around your head towards the right, keeping the hair close to your scalp.
  4) Add more hair to the plait as you get to it- the plait should still be close to your scalp.
  5) When you run out of hair to add, just rope plait it to the end and secure with an elastic.
  6) Wrap that end piece over the start of the plait and took the end underneath the plait.
  7) Keep in place by crossing two hair grips.
This look is very secure and is unlikely to come out during sports or dance!

*these are NOT our pictures!*

That's all, I hope you try out these looks on yourself and if you do, be sure to send us your pictures to our Instagram!  (@unicornasauruss https://instagram.com/unicornasauruss/ )
xo~ Daisycorn 


Tuesday, 12 May 2015

boho is back! part1

Hello dinocorns! Long time no talk... There's plenty of excuses I could use but I'm not going to bother, were just going to dive right in!

So Summer is fast approaching, and rumour has it, bohemian is the new black! Today I will be showing you some super chic boho looks that you can find on the Highstreet! 

These super cute and comfortable harem pants are from H&M, and with a budget friendly price of £12.99, you don't need to break the bank to be stylish this summer! (Colours and styles may vary, also will sell out quickly!) 

Also avaliable from H&M is this awesomely printed kimono, priced at £29.99. This short sleeved kimono in  woven fabric is light and comfortable for any season to come!

Moving over to monsoon, and boy do they have some treats for you! This uber stylish maxi dress is slightly on the pricer side, at £79, but if you're in to this type of theme then it's worth the investment! This vintage-inspired Milly maxi dress is printed with an all-over geo tile-print design, and cinched at the waist with a tie-up string belt. Sheer half-length sleeves and a softly-gathered skirt create a soft, fluid look. 

Flaunting a relaxed, folk-inspired feel, this smock-style top is styled with pulled thread work, lace panels and pin-tuck details. Full-length peasant sleeves and co-ordinating string ties add an extra touch of vintage style. Tuck it into a pair of high-waisted jeans and wear with sandals for a pretty daytime look. Priced at £39 from monsoon. 

That's all for today! 

How to combat exam stress

    Exams... Love them, or (more likely) hate them, they catch up with everyone. In this post I'll be sharing my tips on how to make sure you're on track.

    ...And plenty of it. Drinking water has numerous benefits; regulating body temperature, clearer skin- water gets rid of toxins so reduces the amount of pimples on your skin (one less thing to worry about), it helps you to concentrate and stay alert, water makes you less tired because one of the most common causes of fatigue is dehydration. You could also take a clear bottle into the exam room with you- a study by the University of London concluded that there was a correlation between drinking water during the exam and high grades.

2) Eat a healthy breakfast.
    In the morning, your body is used for detoxing, don't waste your energy by digesting fatty or sugary foods- as oppose to a nutritional whole meal full of fruit and vitamins. Also, foods- such as fruit- contain natural sugars which will keep your brain awake, no need for caffeine! Skipping breakfast is also a bad idea because: the last thing you want is your stomach to grumble in the exam and your more likely to binge on an unhealthy snack later on in the day.

3) Create an revision timetable.
    If you don't already have one, these are a great way to keep organised and in control. You could use a white board- partitioned with coloured tape- that way you can rub off subjects as you go along, this will not only make it clear what you need to do, but also show you that you are progressing and that your revision manageable.

4) Wear comfortable clothes.
    This doesn't mean that you have to turn up in your pyjamas, just clothes that won't bother you or dig during your exam. If you don't have a uniform, leggings and a T-shirt or a blouse are a wise choice. Remember that your there to do as well as you can do in your exams, not to show off your wardrobe. You don't have to look completely plain- just remember, comfort comes first during exam season.

5) When studying in a group remember...
    Your there to revise, not party- it may be fun at the time, but that's what holidays are for, what will help you more in the long run? Study with people that have similar intentions to you and won't lead you off course- your education comes first! Test each other using cue cards, whilst you're all there, you may aswell make the most of it- instead of doing what you would ordinarily do by yourself. Breaks should be frequent and no more than 10-15 minutes, give your brain time to relax and absorb the information. Keep a bowl of fruit and jug of water on the table- this will help keep you alert and it creates a nicer learning environment than individual preprepared portions of food. 

6) NEVER compromise on sleep!
    Depending on how you usually fair in the mornings- 6.5-8hours in advisable. Also try to keep your sleep pattern consistent all week long so as not to confuse your body.

I hope I helped you stay on top of your nerves. GOOD LUCK in whatever upcoming exams you have! 
*We do not own the rights to these images*

xo~ Daisycorn

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Vegan breakfast pancakes

Hello everyone, Daisycorn here!

As you may know if you've read our older posts, I once tried to be vegan... And failed! Well recently I've switched back to being a vegan- and this time I really think I'm going to be a long term vegan or potentially vegetarian. I believe that we don't need any animal to suffer just because we're in the mood for a tasty snack or meal. 

These pancakes are fully vegan; meat/fish, dairy, egg and honey free! Personally, i like to serve 3 of these pancakes with a tablespoon of soy yogurt and a handful of fruit- strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries taste really good with this recipe!

Makes 9-10 pancakes.

Prep time: 5mins
Cooking time: 1min per pancake

6 level tablespoons flour
1 heaped tablespoon apple sauce 
1 teaspoon peanut butter 
1/2 cup almond milk 

1| Add all of the ingredients to a medium-large sized mixing bowl.
2| Mix until the consistency of the batter is similar to a basic cake mix.
3| Oil a frying pan (I used sunflower oil) and get a plate and spatula ready.
4| Use a tablespoon to add the batter to your pan.
5| When the pancake bubbles, flip it and cook for the same length of time on the other side.
6| Put the completed pancakes on a plate and continue until all of the batter has been used.
7| Eat or leave to cool, before covering in cling film and placing in the fridge.

I hope you enjoy making these delicious, cruelty free pancakes for your self- if you do, be sure to send us a picture via Instagram @unicornasauruss

(*Please give us credit when reposting our recipe)
xo~ Daisycorn

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

wedding guest outfits under £50

Hello beautiful people!
Daisycorn here. A while back, I wrote a blog post on prom outfits for under £100- I enjoyed making it so much that I have decided to do the same for wedding guest looks. I've tightened the budget even more and this time around, you will only have to splurge a maximum of £50 to recreate these outfits for yourself.

1| ...and something blue
Dress: £15 

Kimono: £10 

Shoes: £23 
                   Total: £48

2| classic elegance
Dress: £35

Shoes: £4

Fascinator: £9.99
            Total: £48.99

3| floral fancy
Dress: £24.99

Shoes: £15

Hair clip: £8

            Total: £47.99

4| Plus sized
Shoes: £8

Dress: £38

          Total: £46

5| rosy red
Dress: £20

Shoes: £7.99

Clutch Bag: £12

Necklace: £6

           Total: £45.99
(*this is not a sponsored post, all links are for the benefit of the reader)

Sunday, 18 January 2015

DIY with Washi tape2

Hiya, Daisycorn here!

So you may have read my last Washi tape DIY ( http://unicornasaurus.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/diy-with-washi-tape-1.html ) this time around, I'll be teaching you a really: simple, cute and effective way to design and create beautiful greetings cards to give to friends and family on any occasion. You could even use this method to make a "thank you" card for your favourite teachers, as it is approaching the end of the school year.

                      -Plain card
                      -washi tape
                      -printer paper
                      -gel pens and sparkly things (optional)


1| Print or draw out a basic shape onto the the printer paper. This will later be the design on your card. DO NOT CUT OUT THE IMAGE!

2| Cover the picture in alternate strips of Washi tape. Do this on the back of the printer paper so that you can still see what the shape is meant to look like. Also only cover the part of the paper that you're using so that you don't waste your tape.

3| Now  carefully cut out the shape.

4| Stick the design onto the card- so that only the Washi side is showing. You could experiment with where you place the design.

5| You could now extend the design be adding details in gel pen or other decorative extras. In the image above, I places rhinestones down the body of the butterfly and at the top of the antenna's- which I drew on in gel pen. If you placed the design in the corner, you might decide to write the person's name in the centre of the card using glitter glue or stickers.

6| repeat the process on other cards so that you have an emergency stack, ready for any event!

I hope you have fun presenting your very own cards to the special people in your life!
xo~ Daisycorn

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Valentine's Day outfit

Hi there lovelies, Daisycorn here!
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, whether you are a single Or in a relationship, everyone likes to look their best on this special day. Here's a simple outfit perfect for the day- red tones are a must have and bowler hats are totally in right now; try pairing reds with neutral tones such as: blacks, whites, beige or creams.


Friday, 2 January 2015

Prom outfits under £100

Daisycorn here, 
So I realise that prom season is a long way off-but the time will fly by and finding the perfect outfit- for a reasonable price- can be very difficult! All of these outfits total at under £100.
1| The classy sophisticated look:

Shoes: http://www.newlook.com/shop/shoe-gallery/view-all-shoes/black-glitter-metal-point-court-shoes_325313901 The shoes shown in the picture are now sold out but these will go just as well! Currently reduced to £11.00

Bag: http://www.newlook.com/shop/womens/bags-and-purses/black-textured-gem-box-clutch-_323183701 Currently reduced to £8.00

                                                                               Total: £76.00
2| The girly look:

                                                                                                       Total: £92.48
3| The simplistic natural look:

                                       Total: £66.99
4| The bold look:

                               Total: £93.00
5| plus sized (currently available in uk sizes 18-24)
(*this is not a sponsored post, all links are for the benefit of the reader)
xo~ Daisycorn

2014 Favourites

Hello everyone, Daisycorn here!!
As it is the start of 2015, this post shall be about my 2014 favourites.

1| clothing:
                My favourite place to buy clothes last year was "ASOS" ( http://www.asos.com/)the online one stop fashion destination.One of the things I love about ASOS is that they always have amazing sales. My best buy was the "ASOS Whitby Low Rise Skinny Ankle Grazer Jeans in Ecru with Ladder Insert Detail" These jeans are currently out of stock but are definitely worth looking out for!

2| Food: 
            So last year I really got into drinking pineapple juice- it may sound like a random choice but my local supermarket sells three packs for only 99p! It's also healthy as one small carton counts as one of your five a day-its healthy and delicious. The thing to be careful with fruit juices, is that you don't drink more than a glass a day- as they contain a lot of natural sugar, so too much can actually prove unhealthy!

3| Fragrance:
                   This one requires no explanation! "Zoella Blissful Mistful" Of course!http://www.superdrug.com/Toiletries/Washing-&-Bathing/Indulgent-Bathing/Zoella-Blissful-Mistful-45ml/p/303401

4| Youtubers:
                 My favourite female youtuber has to be Colleen Ballinger! She's so natural and talented- we went to see her show in Wolverhampton on 5th November and she was AMAZING! If you ever get a chance to watch her show, I would strongly recommend you do so! My favorite male youtuber is Joe Sugg- I don't think that I have ever watched one of his videos and NOT laughed uncontrollably!

That wraps up my 2014 favourites, let's hope for even more great things to come in 2015!
xo~ daisycorn