1| Many A Berry (smoothie)
I like to add oats to this one and enjoy it as a: healthy, refreshing and quick breakfast on a hot summer morning.
A generous dollop of yoghurt - natural, soy or Greek work well
Half a cup of strawberries- about a handful
A cup of raspberries
A sprinkling of blueberries- not too many as these can be gritty when blended
1/4 cup of blackberries- if you want to go all out ;-)
A splash of milk- this is for a more liquid consistency
Blend the smoothie for one minute- stopping and shaking half way. The smoothie is best when served fresh but can be kept in the fridge overnight or frozen into ice lollies.
2| Green Juice
There are many variations on this classic, here's how I do mine:
A cup of kale
Half a cucumber, chopped
A handful of spinach
Half a small carrot
A squeeze of lemon juice
Two small tomatoes
Blend all the ingredients apart from the water. After that, pass it through a sieve and mix in the water. Enjoy with a few ice cubes.
3| Breakfast In A Bottle (smoothie)
Great for when you're running late- these could even be made the night before.
Half a cup of porridge oats
A table spoon of apple sauce
A chopped apple
A splash of milk
A few slices of apricot- dried or fresh
Just whizz it up and it's good to go!
4| Ye Olde Lemonade
This is a summer essential! What more needs to be said?
Two lemons
650ml water
85g sugar
A few mint leaves
A handful of ice
Chop the lemons. Then, along with the sugar and half of the water, whizz in a food processor. Push the mixture through a sieve into a jug, before applying: the remainder of the water, ice and mint leaves. Best fresh but can be frozen as lollies, it looks super appetising when served in jars with colourful straws.
I hope you enjoy these delicious drinks and have an amazing summer!
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