Tuesday, 12 May 2015

How to combat exam stress

    Exams... Love them, or (more likely) hate them, they catch up with everyone. In this post I'll be sharing my tips on how to make sure you're on track.

    ...And plenty of it. Drinking water has numerous benefits; regulating body temperature, clearer skin- water gets rid of toxins so reduces the amount of pimples on your skin (one less thing to worry about), it helps you to concentrate and stay alert, water makes you less tired because one of the most common causes of fatigue is dehydration. You could also take a clear bottle into the exam room with you- a study by the University of London concluded that there was a correlation between drinking water during the exam and high grades.

2) Eat a healthy breakfast.
    In the morning, your body is used for detoxing, don't waste your energy by digesting fatty or sugary foods- as oppose to a nutritional whole meal full of fruit and vitamins. Also, foods- such as fruit- contain natural sugars which will keep your brain awake, no need for caffeine! Skipping breakfast is also a bad idea because: the last thing you want is your stomach to grumble in the exam and your more likely to binge on an unhealthy snack later on in the day.

3) Create an revision timetable.
    If you don't already have one, these are a great way to keep organised and in control. You could use a white board- partitioned with coloured tape- that way you can rub off subjects as you go along, this will not only make it clear what you need to do, but also show you that you are progressing and that your revision manageable.

4) Wear comfortable clothes.
    This doesn't mean that you have to turn up in your pyjamas, just clothes that won't bother you or dig during your exam. If you don't have a uniform, leggings and a T-shirt or a blouse are a wise choice. Remember that your there to do as well as you can do in your exams, not to show off your wardrobe. You don't have to look completely plain- just remember, comfort comes first during exam season.

5) When studying in a group remember...
    Your there to revise, not party- it may be fun at the time, but that's what holidays are for, what will help you more in the long run? Study with people that have similar intentions to you and won't lead you off course- your education comes first! Test each other using cue cards, whilst you're all there, you may aswell make the most of it- instead of doing what you would ordinarily do by yourself. Breaks should be frequent and no more than 10-15 minutes, give your brain time to relax and absorb the information. Keep a bowl of fruit and jug of water on the table- this will help keep you alert and it creates a nicer learning environment than individual preprepared portions of food. 

6) NEVER compromise on sleep!
    Depending on how you usually fair in the mornings- 6.5-8hours in advisable. Also try to keep your sleep pattern consistent all week long so as not to confuse your body.

I hope I helped you stay on top of your nerves. GOOD LUCK in whatever upcoming exams you have! 
*We do not own the rights to these images*

xo~ Daisycorn

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