Tuesday, 18 August 2015

If I could have anything...

This is going to be one of those 'no picture, chatty' posts... And to be honest, I'm okay with that. Sometimes it's good to break out of your comfort zones and try something new, even in a small way. For example, I don't usually write this kind of thing- so my comfort zone would be: crafts, fashion and food. I challenge every one of you dinocorns to try something out of your comfort zone (that weirdly coloured food, your infamous strapless bra or exercising in a public place) and then give it a rating of between 1 and 5 stars, would you do it again? Go on, you might surprise yourself!

As the title suggests I decided to explore what I would do if I could have anything... ANYTHING. This post could be useful if I were to bump into a magical genie or the likes. It will be interesting to see how much you can tell about a person from their choices. I will try and be as honest as I can with my answers so apologies if any sound selfish or unrealistic, or if you disagree with any of my answers. Here goes- 10 things I would choose if I could have ANYTHING:

1) For everyone to love themselves, this has become such a hot topic in today's society. Eating disorders and self hatred have become all too common place. People try to point fingers at who to blame (the media ect.) but if everyone loved themselves and were happy in their own bodies, instead of wishing they had someone else's, the world would become 100 times more wonderful.

2) Continuing with the theme of love and making the world more wonderful, I'd want everyone to love each other (agape love). This would put an end to all conflicts and oppression. School bullies would disappear overnight (literally). I think that wishing for everyone to love each other is so much more important than wishing for world peace. Because world peace simply implies that no one is fighting each other, but people could still be passively aggressive and live a life filled with hate. Even better than wishing for everyone to love each other is to act on it, we don't need a miracle to occur- imagine one person removing all of the hate from their thoughts and actions, now imagine lots of 'one person(s)' doing the same, if you remove the hate from your life, you will make a difference.

3) I would wish for everyone to have access to their human rights. This is an important one, the human rights act is there, yet still so many people do not have access to their rights. It is basically implying that everyone should have these things, but some people deserve them more than others... This is wrong! If I could have anything, one of my 'anythings' would definitely be to make human rights a reality- for EVERYONE!

4) I would like everyone to get paid at least the living wage. What is the point of having a minimum wage, if you cannot have any sort of life on it? You may be able to stay alive- but not truly live. If everyone was paid the living wage (or above), people would be less stressed and relieved from many financial worries. Imagine the smile on a parent's face, knowing that for the first time they can take their child on a special day out to the cinema or fair ground.

5) In the UK, we are privileged in that we have an NHS, but the majority of countries do not have access to this service that we take for granted. We have the choice of whether we want to go private, most places do not. If they did, people would not gamble on their health. People wouldn't have to choose between medicine and food.

6) I would remove student fees, why should people have to pay to have an education? Education should be free, no matter what stage or age.

7) I would give a home to every homeless person, or person that needs it. Some people call homeless people lazy, given the choice, no one would live on the streets. The streets are dirty and dangerous. In the winter when the roads are all iced up and you can see your own breath, where would you sooner be? These people are desperate and need help to get back on their feet, how can they go for a job interview if the only clothes they own are what they are wearing? Or if they are struggling just to find a scrap to eat, let alone transportation? I'm not saying that the tenants should be permanent or that the accommodation should be mansions, people should be given a safe place to stay for as long as they need it (homeless shelter's have waiting lists).

8) Obviously I would also wish a few this for myself, I would want a pet that could grow old with me. Perhaps a chocolate Labrador that ages the same as a human does. It would be nice to know that even when I feel most alone, there's someone who depends on me and is always there to listen, even if they can't talk back.

9) I would want my own laptop, it would make blogging a lot easier!

10) A golden locket to store treasured pictures of my loved ones, both still with me and passed on, it would be nice to have a physical reminder that they are always with me.

That's the end of my list! I feel like I learned a lot about myself by writting this. What would be in your list?
xo~ Daisycorn

Guest writing for another blog and super cute DIY sign

This blog post was originally written by me for a blog called Sophiesuite (https://sophiesuite.wordpress.com/), but I decided to give you guys a special preview before anyone else! It would be brilliant if all you crazy dinocorns out there would check her out!!

My good friend, Sophie - who I'm 95% sure is secretly my sister- invited me to guest write a page of her blog for her! Those of you avid bloggers out there will know that this is an enormous responsibility, imagine someone trusting you to read their diary or guard their secret stash of chocolate- that big! How could I turn down such an opportunity? 

The only brief I was given was to make my entry crafty, so after some brainstorming, I came up with the perfect DIY! This post will show you how I went about creating this super cute and sparkly sign. This project was really inexpensive and easy to do, it could be displayed on the back of your bedroom door or you could even attach a piece of dowel/a pencil to the back of it and place it in a vase. The possibilities are only limited by how far your imagination is willing to stretch!

To make your own, you'll need:

• A small, plain sign (I got mine off of amazon)
• Some PVA glue, you won't need much
• A pencil and black marker
• Some sparkly bits (eg. Glitter, sequins or gems)

1) Remove all of the labels and stickers from your sign.

2) Now draw or write out the outline of what you want on your sign- I chose the words "official unicorn".

3) I learnt that it's best to fill the words or design in with your marker at this point, as it is hard to apply marker on top of glue.

4) Spread glue on to one area of the sign at a time, it is much easier to apply glue to the sign and not to the back of each individual gem.

5) Place your gems (or other sparkly things) around the edge of your design and leave it to dry.

That's it! It really is as easy as that! If you try this DIY for yourself, be sure to send me a picture on Instagram (@unicornasauruss) I would love to see what you come up with, or you could share your master piece with Sophie on her tumblr (sophiesuite)

Happy crafting! 
xo~ Daisycorn