Sunday, 27 March 2016

Happy Easter!

Dear readers,
Today is Easter Sunday, as I'm sure you're all aware, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a blessed day! It's strange to think that the last post I published was ideas for Lent and today officially marks the end of our lent journey. I was pretty rubbish at sticking to my Lent to be perfectly honest! However I did use the time to increase my time spent in studying scripture and prayer, which is equally important during lent, so I don't feel like a complete failure! Congratulations to all those who gave up something(s) for lent and I hope you're currently tucking into a big bowl of chocolate or a scrummy Easter feast!! You're all amazing! Easter is a time of celebration and festivities so however you and your connections are spending this Easter, I hope that you have a joyous day and remember, He is Risen! Happy Easter! 
(Don't forget to put your clocks back haha)

xo~ Daisycorn xxx