Monday, 25 April 2016

Signing off, moving on

I'm sorry, the title does mean what you think. We've had this account for a while now and it's time to move on! Thank you to all who read our post and supported us over the years. We love you so so much, 
See you around, mwaaaah xox

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Happy Easter!

Dear readers,
Today is Easter Sunday, as I'm sure you're all aware, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a blessed day! It's strange to think that the last post I published was ideas for Lent and today officially marks the end of our lent journey. I was pretty rubbish at sticking to my Lent to be perfectly honest! However I did use the time to increase my time spent in studying scripture and prayer, which is equally important during lent, so I don't feel like a complete failure! Congratulations to all those who gave up something(s) for lent and I hope you're currently tucking into a big bowl of chocolate or a scrummy Easter feast!! You're all amazing! Easter is a time of celebration and festivities so however you and your connections are spending this Easter, I hope that you have a joyous day and remember, He is Risen! Happy Easter! 
(Don't forget to put your clocks back haha)

xo~ Daisycorn xxx

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Ideas for Lent

Hello lovelies <3

Sorry for the lack of posts but we have been very, very busy with school and exams etc. Any who thank you for your continued support (Before I carry on with the post, CAN I JUST SAY HOW FLIPPING EXCITED THE NEW INSTAGRAM FEATURE MAKES ME? Now we can easily post on the Instagram for this blog- @unicornasauruss , please excuse the cheeky plug there haha). So in case you were unaware, today is Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday and yes I did have a pancake... Or three (no regrets.) I'm an old school lemon and sugar, they were bliss! Whilst I'm on the topic of pancakes, you should totally check out and her awesome pancake topping inspiration!

So I'm a very last minute person, an awful trade I know :p, and I'm still on the search for a Lent buddy- I find its so much easier than going solo for forty days. So I thought why not invite the Internet to be my Lent buddy? So if like me you are an awful planner or perhaps you've never thought about doing anything for Lent before, why not give it a try this year- it's a great time to strengthen your faith but that's not to say that only Christians can get involved, anyone can (as you'll read later in this post). Here are some ideas I've heard amongst my friends and some I thought of for myself:

- Not Drinking anything other than water, this was the idea of a person at one of my youth groups, I thought this was so creative.

- Not talking about politics for the whole of lent, I was particularly impressed with this one as it is the plan of one of my atheist friends who, may I add, is very political. It will take a lot of will power to stop him from talking about politics and I think it's brill that he's getting involved despite not being at all religious. It's awesome to see people getting involved who I wouldn't expect to and it makes me all warm and happy inside!

- Logging out of one (or all) of your social medias, this one is rather difficult in modern times but also one of the most meaningful in keeping with the true spirit of lent; if I'm honest, I really don't think that I would have the will power! If you're planning to do this then I raise my hat to you, because that's pretty amazing.

- Not eating anything sweet until after 6pm. I will probably end up doing this one as it requires more thought and effort compared to the infamous chocolate boycott. Remember that lent is not an excuse for you to go on a diet and shouldn't be treated as one, if you do want to diet that of course is fine- but don't mix the two.

- Follow the rules of one of your friend's dietary requirements. By this I mean that if you have a celiac/vegan/lactose intolerant friend or relative then it would really put a smile on their face if you were to go through their needs with them. I have a friend who recently stopped being able to eat gluten and soya (among other things) and she's really been suffering, so she asked another peer to 'go through it with her' during lent so she wouldn't be the odd one out. It's such a kind idea.

- Who's stopping you from making a resolution as opposed to getting rid of something, perhaps to jot down one thing that makes you happy everyday or putting a pound in a jar everyday and then giving that money to charity. These would be just as worthwhile, if not more so!

I hope these gave you some inspiration on what to do for lent, please do let us know if this post helped you or if you are doing anything for lent this year- We'd  love to hear from you!
